Mitochondrial DNA sequences in 2009 have identified five distinct California sea lion populations: the U.S. or Pacific Temperate stock, the Western Baja California or Pacific Tropical stock, and the Southern, Central, and Northern Gulf of California stocks. The California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) is a coastal eared seal native to western North America. Children's author Lisa Strattin presents: Facts About the California Sea Lion A Picture Book For Kids. [1] The Western Baja California stock mainly breeds near Punta Eugenia and at Isla Santa Margarita. [7], As an otariid, the California sea lion relies on its foreflippers to propel itself when swimming. The California Sea Lion is a medium-sized marine mammal from North America. [7] When returning from a trip, females call their pups with distinctive calls to which the pups will reply in kind. [22] Sea lions sometimes follow dolphins and exploit their hunting efforts. California sea lions also boast thick layers of blubber to insulate their bodies from the chill of marine waters. Compared to the harbor seal, the California sea lion's vibrissae are smoother and less specialized and thus perform less when following hydrodynamic trails, although they still perform well. At Monterey Bay, California sea lions appear to be the more common food items for transient mammal-eating killer whale pods. "Observations on the reactions of sea lions, "Shark-inflicted Lesions on California Sea Lions (, "Weak Polygyny in California Sea Lions and the Potential for Alternative Mating Tactics", "Sequence, syntax, and semantics: Responses of a language-trained sea lion (, "Sea lion defies theory and keeps the beat", "The Case Against Marine Mammals in Captivity", "Sea lions called to duty in Persian Gulf", "The Real Navy Seals – and Sea Lions and Dolphins and Whales", "NOAA authorizes states to remove sea lions that threaten protected salmon", "Sick, starving sea lion pups wash up in record numbers on California coast", "More Than 100 Sick Sea Lion Flooded On California Coastline", "Mass Death of Seabirds in Western U.S. Is 'Unprecedented, "Oregon begins killing sea lions after relocation fails", "California Sea Lion Management: Restoring balance between predators and salmon", Smithsonian Institution – North American Mammals: Zalophus californianus, Voices in the Sea - Sounds of the California Sea Lion,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 7 March 2021, at 22:42. To protect fish, the US states of Oregon and Washington engage in annual kill quotas of sea lions. Navy officials say the sea lions can do this in seconds, before the enemy realizes what happened. [29] They avoid males that are too aggressive or energetic. They mainly haul-out on sandy or rocky beaches, but they also frequent manmade environments such as marinas and wharves. Interbirth intervals are particularly long for this species, being 21 days for sea lions off California and more than 30 days for sea lions in the Gulf of California. [30] Mating may occur outside the rookeries, between non-territorial males and females, as the latter move to and from the mating site. California sea lions are sexually dimorphic; males are larger than females, and have a thicker neck, and protruding sagittal crest. The adult males arrive at the start of the season in order to establish territories on rocky, gravel or sand beaches where a number of females haul out to give birth. All rights reserved. The only other vocalization made by territorial males is a "prolonged hoarse grunt sound" made when an individual is startled by a human. When diving deep, California sea lions slow their heart rates to allow them to remain underwater for nearly ten minutes before surfacing to breathe. Should cities start banning them? Sea lions are also adapted for movement on land. California sea lions have a polygynous breeding pattern. Many docks are not designed to withstand the weight of several resting sea lions which cause major tilting and other problems. Female California sea lions have a lifespan of 18-25 years. California sea lions are found from Vancouver Island, British Columbia to the southern tip of Baja California in Mexico. California sea lions are widely used in educational programs throughout the world because of their agility and trainability. Dive into the world of the charismatic California sea lion at Truist Pier 225! Adult females and juveniles molt in autumn and winter; adult males molt in January and February. There is a distinct population of California sea lions at the Galapagos Islands. A mother and pup can distinguish each other's calls from those of other mothers and pups. Under the MMPA protection, California sea lions increased from low population levels prior to the MMPA to a healthy robust population that is not considered depleted, threatened or endangered. After this, females will go on foraging trips lasting as long as three days, returning to nurse their pups for up to a day. They can become entangled in many different gear types, including traps, pots, or gillnets. Paddle across the bay to Cannery Row, a protected marine conversation area, where an underwater kelp forest affords these magnificent sea … [39], The California sea lion is used in military applications by the U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program, including detecting naval mines and enemy divers. Conservation. California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) swim using their fore-flippers and are particularly agile on land as they are able to control their hind flippers independently. California sea lions are well adapted to their marine environment. 1. [10] When moving on land, the sea lion is able to turn its hindflippers forward and walk on all fours. [21] They mostly forage near mainland coastlines, the continental shelf, and seamounts. The waters of the continental margin adjacent to areas once used by breeding Japanese sea lions … Sharks attack sea lions by ambushing them while they are resting at the surface. Pups respond with a "mother-response call", which is similar in structure. Some territories are underwater, particularly those near steep cliffs. When swimming, sea lions are propelled by their large front flippers while the rear flippers act like rudders that help steer. During your time at Pier 225, you’ll be transported to the coast of California … [3], California sea lions communicate with a range of vocalizations. Their thick blubber layer aids in temperature control. These pinnipeds live along the rocky Pacific Ocean coastlines of western North America. A male sea lion usually keeps his territory for around 27 days. [6], Being sexually dimorphic, California sea lions differ in size, shape, and coloration between the sexes. Since temperatures can reach over 30 °C (86 °F) during this time, males must include water within their territories. At night or in cool weather, they travel farther inland or to higher elevations. [9] The flexibility of its spine allows the sea lion to bend its neck backwards far enough to reach its hindflippers. It is one of six species of sea lion. On warm days, they lie closer to the water. California Sea Lion The breeding season for California sea lions lasts from May - July. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) lists the species as Least Concern due to its abundance. [30], Marine biologist Ronald J. Schusterman and his research associates have studied sea lions' cognitive ability. This is likely an adaptation for living in marine coastal habitats. For decades, sea lions along the West Coast have been plagued by a lethal form of cancer. This "rhythmic entrainment" was previously seen only in humans, parrots and other birds possessing vocal mimicry. [49] This caused many sea lion pups to starve, while others died when they took to open waters in search of food at too early an age. But in the wild, the California sea lion is a sleek animal, faster than any other sea lion or seal. The clichéd circus seal—obligingly balancing a ball on its nose and jumping through hoops—is typically a California sea lion. Why do male gorillas beat their chests? Its natural habitat ranges from southeast Alaska to central Mexico, including the Gulf of California. If you're the outdoorsy type, renting a kayak is an exciting way to see Monterey’s indigenous sea lion population. This vocalization is also made by groups of non-reproductive males. It moves the foreflippers in a transverse, rather than a sagittal, fashion. "[1] The estimated population is 238,000–241,000 for the U.S. or Pacific Temperate stock, 75,000–85,000 for the Western Baja California or Pacific Tropical stock, and 31,393 for the population in the Gulf of California. Huge colonies can be seen gathered on seaside rocks, and even on man-made structures, for breeding and for birthing. Big winter snows in the North could be fueled by Arctic sea ice loss, 'Lost golden city of Luxor' discovered by archaeologists in Egypt, How the first pitch became baseball's Opening Day tradition, How Queen Victoria remade the British monarchy, Why the St. Vincent volcano has such a deadly reputation, Europe to review Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine over reports of rare blood clots. A third population in the Sea of Japan became extinct, probably during World War II. Please be respectful of copyright. Males can weigh up to 390kg (850lbs) and have a distinctive raised bony bump on their head known as a sagittal crest. [30], Female California sea lions have a 12-month reproductive cycle, consisting of a 9-month actual gestation and a 3-month delayed implantation of the fertilized egg before giving birth in June or July. California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are a species of "coastal eared seals". Under a similar program, Oregon and Washington had killed over 150 sea lions on the Columbia River by January 2019. But in the wild, the California sea lion … WATCH: Orphaned Sea Lion Pups Get a Second Chance, Copyright © 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright © 2015-2021 National Geographic Partners, LLC. [14] Sea lions have fairly acute underwater hearing, with a hearing range of 0.4–32 kHz. However, as pups get older, they get more involved in reunions. [34], Outside the breeding season, males migrate to the northern ends of the species range to feed, while females forage near the breeding rookeries. Today, California sea lions are the more common species throughout California and many parts of Oregon and Washington. [3] They also have manes, which are less developed than those of adult male South American and Steller sea lions. Along with the Galapagos sea lion and the extinct Japanese sea lion, the California sea lion belongs to the genus Zalophus, which derives from the Greek words za, meaning "intensive," and lophus, meaning "crest. Dive into the world of the charismatic California sea lion at Truist Pier 225! They are also used to patrol areas in search of threats. Otariids, also known as eared seals, differ from true seals in having external ear flaps, and proportionately larger foreflippers and pectoral muscles. Sea lions feed on a number of species of fish and squid, and are preyed on by killer whales and great white sharks. They breed mainly on offshore islands, ranging from southern California's Channel Islands south to Mexico, although a few pups have been born on Año Nuevo and the Farallon Islands in central California. [27], California sea lions breed gregariously between May and August, when they arrive at their breeding rookeries. California sea lions are the most intelligent of all sea lion species. [3] Sea lions can stay at sea for as long as two weeks at a time. The California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) is a coastal eared seal native to western North America. Does everyone need to wear a mask outside? The California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) is a coastal eared seal native to western North America. Its natural habitat ranges from southeast Alaska to central Mexico, including the Gulf of California. Males are typically around 2.7 m (8.9 ft) long and weigh up to 350 kg (770 lb), while females are typically around 2.1 m (6.9 ft) and weigh up to 100 kg (220 lb). California sea lion males have been observed living for at least 19 years, while females tend to live longer around 25 years. Follow us on Instagram at @natgeoyourshot or visit us at for the latest submissions and news about the community. Males may bark when threatening other males or during courtship. California sea lion rookeries along the Pacific coast are in a very productive upwelling zone, and productivity in the Gulf of California is also very high due to tide- and, wind-generated upwelling. Where to find warrior queens, fairies, and castles in Scotland. [43] Applications have been granted for removal of several individual sea lions at Ballard Locks[44] and at the Bonneville Dam, where up to 92 sea lions can be killed each year for a 5-year period. [7] Although the species has a slender build, adult males have robust necks, chests, and shoulders. [6] Off the Pacific coast of the United States, sea lions are so numerous that they are close to carrying capacity, while the Gulf of California population declined by 20% by 2008. The California sea lion is a protected species throughout its range. How this more contagious virus variant became dominant in the U.S. Volcano tourism is booming, but is it too risky? [51], In November 2018, the State of Oregon obtained a permit to kill 93 sea lions per year below Willamette Falls. They may also search along the ocean bottom. They usually congregate on islands and remote shorelines when not in the ocean. … Sea lions are known to damage fishing gear and steal or destroy fish, but can get caught or killed through this type of behavior. The stocks of the Gulf of California live in the shallow waters of the north (Northern stock), the tidal islands near the center (Central stock), and the mouth of the bay (Southern stock). [31] Older pups may sometimes join their mothers during their foraging trips. [5] The California sea lion differs from the Galapagos sea lion in its greater sexual dimorphism. Its natural habitat ranges from southeast Alaska to central Mexico, including the Gulf of California. [23] They also have learned to feed on steelhead and salmon below fish ladders at Bonneville Dam and at other locations where fish must queue in order to pass through dams and locks that block their passage. For decades, sea lions along the West Coast have been plagued by a lethal form of cancer. From May to August, males establish territories and try to attract females with which to mate. Sea lions are preyed on by killer whales and large sharks. It is an adoptable animal in all three Wildlife Park games. Warmer ocean waters are affecting the food supply, and the sea lion mothers are moving farther north—perhaps unable to take their pups with them. 1. [7] The pelage of adult males can be anywhere from light brown to black, but is typically dark brown. In some rookeries, copulation may be monopolized by a few males, while at others, a single male may sire no more than four pups. These animals have very flexible bodies. Commander Islands Nature and Biosphere Reserve. [40] Organizations like PETA believe that such operations put the animals in danger. It is one of six species of sea lion. 2. Their barks, high-pitched and shorter than those made by males, are used in aggressive situations. One of the main threats to California sea lions is getting caught in fishing gear. Unlike other sea lions, California sea lions do not have lionlike manes. However, the sea lions rarely used the signs semantically or logically. Although once depleted, California sea lion populations have rebounded due to the protections afforded by the Marine Mammal Protection Act. [3] Females and juveniles have a tawny brown pelage,[3] although they may be temporarily light gray or silver after molting. Vision is keen and better in the water than out. California sea lions live along the coast of the Americas from British Columbia to Mexico. They predominantly forage the Continental Shelf. A sea lion may go through a year of training before performing a behavior for the public. trained by the United States Navy for certain military operations, International Union for Conservation of Nature, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a large number of Cassin's auklet chicks died, "Galápagos and Californian sea lions are separate species: Genetic analysis of the genus, "Phylogeography of California and Galápagos sea lions and population structure within the California sea lion", "Swimming in the California sea lion: morphometrics, drag and energetics". [7] California sea lions may eat alone or in small to large groups, depending on the amount of food available. They have been found with scars made by attacks from both white sharks and shortfin mako sharks. Sea lions bark especially rapidly when excited. [24] The sea lions may respond to the dorsal fin of a killer whale and remain vigilant, even when encountering resident fish-eating pods. Learn, laugh and fall in love with the sea lions that call Georgia Aquarium home during our Under the Boardwalk presentation. [32] Some organizations, such as the Humane Society of the United States and World Animal Protection, object to using sea lions and other marine mammals for entertainment, claiming the tricks are "exaggerated variations of their natural behaviors" and distract the audience from the animal's unnatural environment. Flippers enable sea lions to swim long distances and dive deep to find food. After this, the males rely on ritualized displays (vocalizations, head-shaking, stares, bluff lunges, and so on) to maintain their territorial boundaries. Like all marine mammals, they are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. The main population of California sea lions is found along the west coast in the Pacific Ocean, ranging from Baja, California, south to Mexico and north into British Columbia, Canada. California sea lions grow to a maximum length of 8.4 feet (2.5 m) and weight of 1,153 pounds (523 kg). Territorial males are the loudest and most continuous callers, and barks are produced constantly during the peak of the breeding season. Physical Description . 3. A colony used to live on the coast of a few Japanese islands but it is now believed this is extinct. Sea lions feed on a number of … They love to socialize and frequently communicate through barks, similar to a dog, while in massive social groups that can be up to hundreds of sea lions. [36] In 2011, a California sea lion named Ronan was recorded bobbing her head in synchronization to musical rhythms. "[2] This refers to the protruding sagittal crest of the males, which distinguishes members of the genus. The California sea lion was described by René Primevère Lesson, a French naturalist, in 1828. Now, Marin researchers have determined the cause of the … The modern animal is well adapted to an aquatic environment, with its streamlined body and powerful flippers. Females have long parturition intervals, and thus the males do not establish their territories until after the females give birth. The stock status of the sea lions at the deep waters of the central bay has not been analyzed. California Sea Lion – Zalophus californianus Description. Pups have a black or dark brown pelage at birth. [3] The Steller sea lion is the closest extant relative of the Zalophus sea lions, being a sister taxon. Males can weigh up to 390kg (850lbs) and have a distinctive raised bony bump on their head known as a … The above-mentioned stocks are separated by the Ensenada Front. Size and patience allow a male to defend his territory more effectively; the bigger the male, the more blubber he can store and the longer he can wait. California sea lions are light to chocolate brown in color and exhibit marked sexual dimorphism. [15] Sea lions rely on their whiskers or vibrissae for touch and detection of vibrations underwater. [7] Adult male California sea lions play no role in raising pups, but they do take more interest in them than adult males of other otariid species; they have even been observed to help shield swimming pups from predators. Together with the fur seals, they comprise the family Otariidae, eared seals, which contains six extant and one extinct species in five genera. "Diving patterns of California sea lions, "Underwater hearing in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus): Expansion and interpretation of existing data", California sea lion Zalophus californianus Lesson, 1828, "Columbia River Sea Lion Management: Restoring balance between predators and salmon", "When good fishing trips go bad: Sea lion swims the Delta – lands on Merced County farm road", "Movement and diving behavior of male California sea lion (, "Predation Behavior of Transient Killer Whales in Monterey Bay, California". California sea lions, Zalophus californianus, are probably the most familiar marine mammal at the Channel Islands. Sea lions communicate with numerous vocalizations, notably with barks and mother-pup contact calls. The females in these groups will mount each other as well as the males. 5. This includes a number of offshore islands. This form of aquatic locomotion, along with its streamlined body, effectively reduces drag underwater. Photograph by Alex Phillips, National Geographic Your Shot, Copyright © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright © 2015-2021 National Geographic Partners, LLC. [33] California sea lions can produce vocalizations underwater. They are friendly animals often seen doing a variety of tricks in various locations while in captivity. Wildlife managers have used various methods to control the animals and some city officials have redesigned docks so they can better withstand them. Trainers reward their animals with fish, which motivates them to perform. Males are usually unable to prevent females from leaving their territories,[3] particularly in water. In addition, it relies on movements of its head and neck more than its hindflippers for terrestrial locomotion. Most fights occur during this time. During this time, they will fast, relying on a thick layer of fat called blubber for energy. For ball balancing, trainers toss a ball at a sea lion so it may accidentally balance it or hold the ball on its nose, thereby gaining an understanding of what to do. However, a genetic study in 2007 found that all three are in fact separate species. It is grouped with other sea lions and fur seals in the family Otariidae. The California Sea Lion is the one most people are familiar with. NOAA Fisheries is responsible for monitoring the California sea lion population under the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). California sea lions are social animals that communicate with various barks, growls, honks and clicks. The hind flippers are shorter and also have short claws at the ends of the digits. At first, reunions largely depend on the efforts of the mothers. [8] Both sexes have long, narrow muzzles. Its foreflipper movement is not continuous; the animal glides in between each stroke. These groups begin to disintegrate as the females begin to mate. Breeding mainly on offshore islands that run from the Channel Islands in southern California to Mexico, these sea lions typically live along coastlines but … California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) swim using their fore-flippers and are particularly agile on land as they are able to control their hind flippers independently. Reduces drag underwater the Coast of a few Japanese Islands but it is large! Getting caught in fishing gear a male sea lion least 1975, after protections were in. 2007 found that all three Wildlife Park games particularly intelligent, can be anywhere from light to... Distinguish each other as well as the females in these groups will mount each other 's calls from of. Reach over 30 °C ( 86 °F ) during this time, are! A thicker neck, and barks are produced constantly during the Pliocene the foreflippers in a transverse, than. The hindquarters are more likely to survive of humans if accustomed to.! 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