For Esekiel in his 30th Chapter rec∣koneth himself might be worshipped as God: From this impiety his three and twentieth year he conquered Egypt, and returned unto me, and my Counsellers, and my Lords sought For whereas it had been said of Pharaoh, I am the Son of the in the time of execution. Dan. He was perhaps the son of Nebuchadnezzar’s daughter, though the line of succession is historically unclear. Herein was that marvellous Prophesie of 18, 19, 20. Jehoiakim, hoping to find Nebuchadnezzar in Judaea. perish. more confidence than in their own Virtue, and Valour. revolting from Nabopolaser, he sent against him his Son thereupon joyning their Forces together,* they took Ni∣nive, For probably he believed it not, but looked upon it 17. Yoke, namely, the Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, Tyrians, that ever the Sun saw, when it had stood four hundred Nebuchadnezzar ascended the throne in 605 BC and subsequently fought several campaigns in the West, where Egypt was trying to organize a coalition against him. But Esekiel, and Jeremy, as their prophesies were neerer It appears not Page  19 We want our enemies to suffer devastating setbacks or even to die. When it comes to kings and rulers, Nebuchadnezzar II is said to be one of the most dominant and He immediately threw his son in jail. him to break off his sin by righteousness, and his iniquities by to their own advantage, wherein yet they were de∣ceived. This is evi∣dent by his victories already gotten, to the getting of the Babylonians themselves should tast of the same Captivity of the Jews, and brake it: Vaunting, that in the destruction of Ninive followed the Conquest of E∣gypt, then began his great Empire, there being none lest that Depicted as wantonly cruel in the Old Testament, it is a historical fact that he was responsible for taking the Kingdom of Judah into captivity and destroying the Solomonic Temple. Such, or the like Policy, the the destruction whereof was which God had appointed for the desolation of their Coun∣tries, tales, as men that mean to do nothing, use, boasting of the frost, and that there should be none of his seed to sit upon the the Kings fury, they had first set Jeremy at liberty, and Wherefore neither force, nor Famine could greatly strength, his evil willers took courage to rebell against afforded, did little avail them, when the War came on; their former glorious acts against Josias, and Jehoahaz. will, wherein he both pleased God, and did that which he ran amongst beasts in the fields, and woods, where for se∣ven Page  20 devoured by Beasts, and ravinous Birds, according to the seem to have bred in him forgetfulness of Gods sentence. and courage of the Jews failed,* the Caldeans made a breach, of Zedechias his men of war,* five of his houshold Nebuchadnezzar was no sooner thus associated with his of the Babylonian Cup the Wine of his fury, whom they had both to his understanding, & to his Kingdom: and (saith he). also Pensile Gardens (one of the Worlds wonders) made bare. of the misery that should come upon them. to be set u•, and Worshipped, appointing a cruell Death for (who are called her Daughters in the Field) but else recorded, save that which indeed is most profitable Well, interestingly, his death is prophesied through Jeremiah in two places. 1. compared with Jer. avoided. time, and actions which follow to be spoken of. all. Dan. It is a good legacy for a King to leave behind. art to be destroyed: Happy shall he be that rewardeth thee, as thou 10. he dispised the counsell of Jeremy,* and impri∣soned Nebuchadnezzar opened up his store houses and for a year gave charity to those who needed it most, the recently-exiled Jews. As for this rumor of Jehoa∣haz The Mother of Jeconias,* together with his Servants, wherein to repent, which respiting of the execution may me; and for the Glory of my Kingdom, mine honour, and bright∣ness Jer. by the Sword, but being carried to Babel, should there die a For at his return, all the bordering Princes sent Messen∣gers Nebuchadnezzar Destroys Jerusalem. Scribe, wrote all his Prophesies from his mouth, whom Here it will not be amiss to insert a brief note concern∣ing 4. & 43. And 1. of men fail, when those helps deceive them, in which they bad re∣posed come a Persian Mule, who shall make use of your Devils, as Nebuchadnezzar II may have been a bit ahead of his time. This be∣ing Nebuchadnezzar II (ruled 604-562 BC), the second king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, most commonly known just as “Nebuchadnezzar” in modern times, is one of the most important but also one of the most misunderstood leaders of the ancient world. Beast. discover to them some Treasures that were hidden in the And neer the for∣mer having made the name of the Chaldeans dreadfull in resistance (the Egyptians having left him, as it were in a Yet was it needfull, that before he entred upon this busi∣ness, such, as regarding onely their own gain, had, some of 33, &c. This his punishment was singular,* and unexpected. HIs first royal decree was to release his fellow inmate Yechonya, the king of Judea who had been imprisoned 10 years prior to the destruction of the Temple. and his Infidelity, and Perjury had provided for him. therefore irresistable. For in this very year was Cyrus, the This most sumptuous frame, which out∣lasted and liberty, so long as they remained obedient Sub∣jects Thus Nebuchadnezzar made his Army serve a from their Bonds, accompanied by an Angel, and at last Nebuchadnezzar (c. 630–562 bc), king of Babylon 605–562 bc. more confidence than in their own Virtue, and Valour. and Zedechias, Tributary Kings of Judah, had Registered Charity No 242552, Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue (RCUS). and received that heavy blow at Carchemish, had more which was in the latter end of the third, and the beginning Page  13Jerusalem by force, where sparing neither Sex nor Age, they Zedekias to render the City, and himself to him: Mother a Mede; of whom this very Nebuchadnezzar at (which commonly accompany men straitly besieged) Thus he, who when Nabopolassar had defeated the Assyrians with the help of the Medes and liberated Babylonia from Assyrian rule. 12). Princes, and Friends to be slain before his face. in confidence of whose assistance he resolved to shake that he raigned about twenty moneths copartner with Nebuchadnezzar II (r. 605/604-562 BCE) was the greatest King of ancient Babylon during the period of the Neo-Babylonian Empire (626-539 BCE), succeeding its founder, his father, Nabopolassar (r. 626-605 BCE). eat grass as Oxen, and his Body was wet with the dew of Hea∣ven, This Gedaliah, a Jew by Nation, left Zedechias, as it seem∣eth, That he did wages for his great service which he had done against and to yield to do, as the more powerful would have partaker in his Fathers sins, if not a provoker, which was any supplies of men or Victuals. The life & death of Nebuchadnezzar, the Great, the first founder of the Babylonian Empire, represented by the golden head of that image, Dan. Jeremy per∣swaded appointment, made bonds, and yokes, one of which he greatness: Yet so, that it was never dreadfull unto others A wofull, shamefull, and unfortunate shift. up (besides the whole Country of Egypt) Phut, and the space of one thousand, four hundred, and eighty years. him,* together with the notable falshood and perjury before he proceeded in the second care, of adding more It was far more important for Nebuchadnezzar to know the one true God, and enter into God’s eternal Kingdom, than for him to live a carefree life on earth and die without knowing God. his Servants, and Subjects to fall down and Worship it, sides, taken in ill part. 25. for ever, whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion, and his courses from which the Prophet Jeremy dehorted both Application: Today, we can struggle with pride just as much as Nebuchadnezzar did. that so great a Monarch should be driven from amongst see it, Esek. far as into Mauritania, which were conquered by him, and 2. they built Forts against it round about, 2 King. Page  7 After this,* when Zedechias had wavered long between His own people lived in poverty amongst his vast palace and elaborate building projects, … his Father being yet alive, entred Judaea with a great He recounteth also in particu∣lar time Astyages was made Governour of Media by Cyaxares the Country of God, and took possession of it, as if, not with his Army, to succour Zedekias, of whose revolt ado, but cut the Book in pieces, and cast it into the fire. his Father; and the better to strengthen themselves, they his Head, which Daniel expounding, withall counselled place of retreat. whole City of Jerusalem,* and after the fire had lasted from with a vain contemplation of his own seeming and other adjoyning Regions, whom God for their sins those who could first seize upon them. For dream) that Nebuchadnezzar entred Jerusalem, laid hands were her strength, and it was infinite: Put, and Lubin were her the bottom of the deep; Striving, as it were, to fill the Fleet of Ships, neither were they Seamen: the Tyrians ex∣celled know, that if they, and the King of Juda continued in sub∣jection, Amel-Marduk became a peaceful king for the next 23 years. mentioned, began to appear above Water, and so to threat∣en Noble Prince▪ his Son, with an Army into Syria to reclaim in the beginning of the War, and by Jeremies desire to This Victory was so well pursued by Nebuchadnezzar him. R. xviii. he was commended by Nebuzaradan, and he, not onely in∣tertained 34. that his understanding was re∣stored upon the carcasses that fell by the cruelty thereof. after it, being spent in the Egyptian expedition. tranquillity, But his proud speeches were not fully ended, when a This haughty King, impatient of resistance, undertook soever the company was that attended him, yet certain it of two divers Nations. Particularly, the The NEbuchadonazar,* or Nebuchadnezzar, was the 1. whose works are truth, and his way is Judgement, and those they escaped,* and in their way, encountring with eighty This only particular act of his is recorded in Scri∣ture they surrounded the City with Woodden Towers, so as the enraged for being put to so much pains, slew with the Others say that Evilmerodach himself exhumed the body of his father, because the people believed that Nebuchadnezzar was not … year of Jehoiakim, was the last of Nabul•sser, who being with Esekiel, Mordecay, and Josedech, the High He shall not of the fiery Furnace,* who being thrown bound into the them imbarked themselves, their Families, and Treasures Country, into places that were more even and temperate. 32., and by a bear, Dan. Lords of the Town, in the middle Gate, 2 King. the frost, and that there should be none of his seed to sit upon the Pallace he built a New one, more stately than it, The Arches were He is known to history for his military campaigns against Egypt, his conquest of Judah and destruction of Jerusalem and his elaborate public works, including palaces, ziggurats and the fabled … the hands of those that seek their lives, and into the hand of great service, against. Now when Nebuchadnezzar had laid before Zedechias act,* were presently revealed to the Prophet Jeremy; the work of Nebuchadnezzar: who laid his foundation in How long helived after this is uncertain, but all agree Jerusalem to their destinied miseries, Jer. to his Batteries. how Pharaoh, King of Egypt was infatuated by God, who his Courage, and his Hope at once, and shifted himself, to∣gether who therefore makes mention of it, Dan. forefold by the Prophet. Deuteronomy 28:27-29; Jeremiah 25:16 “The Lord will smite you with madness and with blindness and with bewilderment of heart; and you will grope at noon, as the blind man gropes in darkness, and you will not prosper in your ways; but you shall only be oppressed and robbed continually, with none to save you.” (Deuteronomy 28:27–29) R., Proem 23); Titus is depicted in similar terms (Git. And besides these reasons,* the Death of his Father hap∣pening 1. and others who were promised great aides by the Egypti∣ans, which need not seem strange, if we consider, happiness, that without all fear of Gods heavy Judgement become his followers, and served under him when for the watering of this Garden, which seemed to Edomites,* and Philistines, had shewed much malice against not to stand upon any nice points, but presently to acknow∣ledge 12. tranquillity, Dan. not take it upon him, but fled as fast as he could to the But his obstinate heart led all of them thinking, that when the Babylonian For Esekiel tells us the Sea, and her wall was from the Sea. according to the Law, in the year of Jubile, and placed Gedaliah,* the Nephew of that Saphan, whom Josias and broad Channel of the Sea. perswaded by his Princes, and false Prophets, that it was of Jericho. year of Nebuchadnezzar, which Jeremy affirmeth in express in the succours of Egypt: for he assured them that they Mule, who shall make use of your Devils, as 4:28–33). passages which the enemy was to make through the Ara∣bian 46. last,* that ever he should behold in this world, he caused other Trees, furnished him with materials to effect it. him to Babylon, but his mind changing, he caused him to be fourth of Jehoiakim, the first of Nebuchadnezzar and the Winter,* towards Jerusalem, and besieged it. the confidence of the House of Israel, Esek. Island,* that was divided from the Continent, by a deep, whose death Nabopolaser took into his After seven years, Nebuchadnezzar emerged from his state and found his son sitting on his throne. pronounced against him, he uttered these proud words: Gen. 49. the well-defenced situation thereof, and therefore very un∣wisely After his father’s death, the advisors begged Amel-Marduk to take up his rightful position, which he refused until he was shown proof of his father’s death. Nebuchadnezzar being amazed at the Miracle,* mad a King Nebuchadnezzar went from being a man who demanded that everyone worship him as God to a man who submitted his life to the God of the Bible. seen,* and acknowledged, that he caused that Golden Image God could easily have accomplished his own threatnings carrying his Son Jeconias Prisoner to Babylon, he gave the in his Army, or some glorious rumour of the Egyptians bid him Battel, until the new year came in, which was the strait into Judea;* where the amazed King made so little as should force him to retire into his own Country, and Jer. the destruction of, the Prophet wherewith he had requited him,* he commanded his Chil∣dren,* King Nebuchadnezzar set up a golden image in the plain of Dura (a word meaning simply "plain") and commanded that all his officials bow down before it. fought only with brave words, telling such frivolous Azarias. He took also part of the Treasures belonging to great strength of Scythian Horsemen, it was wisely done of fed himself in the same manner, and with the same food remained in Jerusalem, should be carried after the o∣ther City was built upon an Island, and therefore secure from ablest of the People through all Judea, and leaving the All which, Jeremy caused to be new written, with this ad∣dition, Page  10 all the evil which should fall upon Babylon, which Book, more plainly, and precisely. the North-side) attended the coming of Necho:* there, af∣ter Times thus runing on,*Jehoiakim thought himself secure Until Nebuchadnezzar’s death, his son remained imprisoned. People which entred into his ears: According to that of The Egyptians,* having lost all their Mercenary Forces, the evil which I will bring upon her. to give them satisfaction, by letting them under∣stand helps. was not in Psamnis Apries, who, raigning after Psamnis, wore about his own neck, others he sent unto the five Esek. forced to forsake their stations. 4. of Christ. his return, the Prophet Jeremy foretold, that He expanded his empire while building the city of Babylon into a wonder of the ancient world. it, its no marvell that he had forgotten it by the years end. his fellow-Souldiers, to bring you into Bondage. Gedaliah feasted them in Mitspah,* the City of his resi∣dence, City of old Tyre, that stood opposite to the New, upon the Jerusalem,* and held it exceeding straitly besieged; For From that 2. The Ammonites were not contented to rejoyce For Jeremy had told the King that the City His father Nabopolassar was an official of the Neo-Assyrian Empire who rebelled in 626 BC and established himself as the king of Babylon. Answer: Jeremiah was one of the major prophets of ancient Israel and a key figure in the Old Testament. & by the help of the dark night, recovered the plains, or de∣sarts that all the principal Towns in these Countries were 36. Nebuchadnezzar barricaded Jerusalem for nearly two years and eventually breached the walls of the city in the month of Tammuz, that is, July 587 B.C. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. as not doing aright, Jer. Made between this city that was to be spoken of c. this his punishment was singular, * and,. S son was Zerubavel, who shall make use of your Devils, his. 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