She is described as being his “hope” and his “joy.” Just from these lines, it is clear that he values her above everything else. She is to him perfect, and can only bring out positive emotions in him.      And gazed upon my face. NOOK Book. First, he states that there was a “Knight” who carried a shield on which there was a “burning brand.” While he went about his duties he spent the rest of his time attempting to “woo” the “Lady of the Land.”. In the next lines, the speaker tells how Genevieve reacted to the story.      Amid the lingering light. Seize, then, my soul! In the next line the speaker uses the phrase “My hope! Genevieve appreciates the way he tells another’s story and that passion works to his benefit. And to the leading Love-throb in the Heart Thro' all my Being, thro' my pulses beat ; You lie in all my many Thoughts, like Light, Like the fair light of Dawn, or summer Eve She was like a “Fiend” that would not leave him alone.      My bright and beauteous Bride. An angel beautiful and bright; And sometimes from the darksome shade, And sometimes starting up at once Autoplay next video. She stood and listen'd to my lay, When midway on the mount I lay, It is the sorrow of the story that turns Genevieve towards the speaker.      The swelling of her heart. Auspicious Reverence! Celebration; Friendship; Holiday; Life; Melancholy; Nature; 183 Views: Rate it: Come, come thou bleak December wind (fragment) Nature; 180 Views: Rate it: Kisses.      The Lady of the Land. $1.99. A ballad, in general, is a short narrative poem, dealing with simple homely themes of perennial interest. Christabel’. Her meek gaze is also in reaction to the fact that the speaker does not seem to be able to stop looking at her.      Disturb'd her soul with pity! There is one particular person the speaker is thinking of: a woman named Genevieve. It is connected to all other emotions and experiences. His most famous poems include: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Kubla Khan, The speaker is looking back on a time that comes to him in his “waking dreams” or daydreams. But when I told the cruel scorn She loves me best whene'er I sing Paraphrasing a poem means to simplify it down to its most basic elements, clarifying along the way and choosing less complicated language. I play'd a soft and doleful air; All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stirs this mortal frame, All are but ministers of Love, And feed his sacred flame. from Freedom’s trophied […] Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English lyrical poet, critic, and philosopher. He is also an important part of this story. And that, unknowing what he did, My favorite poem is Christabel and I can't help picture the entire poem in my mind as if it were a gothic-horror film. In the seventeenth stanza the speaker steps back from the story. He was often bullied as a child by Frank, All impulses of soul and sense Yet what a wonderful legacy for all of us fortunate enough to read his verses. It is the story followed by a few simple acts of kindness that turn her to him. His poetry … Oft in my waking dreams do I.      That ruin wild and hoary. He still loves and seeks to win her. The first three lines of each stanza are written in iambic tetrameter. Yes it’s very ironic Coleridge was not great … Perhaps this is because she is protected, or that she is not aware enough to recognize sorrow for what it is. An old rude song, that suited well Coleridge spent most of the trip in Germany, studying the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, Jakob Boehme, and G. E. Lessing. This quick stanza describes one moment when she looks at the speaker and contemplates the situation she is in. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in 1772 at Ottery St Mary, Devon, the youngest son of a clergyman. Here we have another bold attempt at seduction, this one much longer and more complicated than Shelley’s. King Omnipotent! She was scornful and cruel to treat someone so “lovely” that way. The light was moving slowly over the speaker and the tower. Coleridge wrote his first ballad-poem Love addressed to Sara Hutchinson at Sockburn. His mind was only changed because he was dying. He was made to wander the land, constantly seeking out a way to win her heart. If you liked "The Dungeon poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge" page. My faltering voice and pausing harp I told her of the Knight that wore The Lady is not going to let that stand and strives to “expiate / The scorn that crazed his brain.” It is now her goal to change his mind and bring him back to the state he was in before.      But gaze upon her face.      The songs that make her grieve. Tone? ‘Love’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a twenty-four stanza poem that is separated into sets of four lines, or quatrains. She would appear from nowhere, haunting him. In this poem, the lover is attempting to gain his desire by appealing to the tender emotions of his object. Whatever stirs this mortal frame, There came and look'd him in the face The “ten years” spent on wooing her should convey to Genevieve that the speaker would be willing to do the same. The speaker tells the reader that in the story the knight “pined” over the “Lady.” In the next lines, he explains that he knows exactly what he’s doing with this story. Live o'er again that happy hour, Perhaps he now realizes he has gone too far or maybe he is only recognizing the perfect outcome to his initiating this tale. I sang an old and moving story—      Nor rested day nor night; That sometimes from the savage den, The young woman is unsure what she is supposed to, or what she should, do. She wept with pity and delight, And to the leading Love-throb in the Heart Thro' all my Being, thro' my pulses beat ; You lie in all my many Thoughts, like Light, Like the fair light of Dawn, or summer Eve No matter where the knight went or what he did the face of the “Lady” was there to stare at him. I told her how he pined: and ah! She is to him an “angel beautiful and bright.” But, she had another side. A precocious reader and talker as a child, he was educated at Christ’s Hospital School, London, where he began his friendship with Charles Lamb and wrote his earliest poems, and Jesus College, Cambridge. The speaker describes her as if she has no life of her own and the only thing she has to do as the light “linger[s]” is to listen to him speak. He was able to win her and take her as his bride. He is unable to move his eyes from “upon her face.”, At the beginning of the eighth stanza, the speaker opens another story. She has become terribly sad about this ending.      The scorn that crazed his brain;—, And that she nursed him in a cave; 'I fear thee, ancient Mariner! Like the other romantics, Coleridge worshiped nature andrecognized poetry’s capacity to describe the beauty of the naturalworld. Upon his shield a burning brand; The tide turns for the speaker when he hears her “breathe [his] name.”. She blush'd with love and virgin shame; Samuel Taylor Coleridge suffered a lot during his life: unrequited love, drug addiction, inferiority complex. The moonshine, stealing o'er the scene. All thoughts, all passions, all delights. For well she knew I could not choose There is one story, in particular, the speaker remembers telling Genevieve. All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stirs this mortal frame, All are but ministers of Love, And feed his sacred flame. Oft in my waking dreams do I. Finally, the two know how they feel about one another and are able to act on that. This article lists the complete poetic bibliography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge(1772-1834), … As conscious of my look she stept— It is given agency and the will to make certain events happen. Coleridge has also chosen to imbue this piece with a structured pattern of the meter. The themes of the older ballads were mainly connected with war, love, family ties, and feuds of a similar nature. Had thrill'd my guileless Genevieve; It is easy for him to gain her love. In particular, Genevieve was moved by the “hopes” and the “fears” that were conveyed through the story. He puts the fault on his well-constructed words and beautiful music. Rhyme encourages you to slow down and take time with the words; Tone is very melancholy, wishful and hopeful; Irony? And told her love with virgin pride;      In green and sunny glade—. The sixth stanza describes how the speaker sings and plays his “lay” to her. Is the night chilly and dark? He knows exactly what to do.      Subdued and cherish'd long! This is exactly the reaction the speaker was hoping to get from her. Oft in my waking dreams do I Live o'er again that happy hour, When midway on the mount I lay, Beside the ruined tower. And she was there, my hope, my joy, That tenderest strain of all the ditty, And thou art long, and lank, and brown, As is the … Nearly all of Coleridge’s poems express a respect for anddelight in natural beauty. Eventually, his madness, or his ill opinion of her, went away. Luckily for the “lovely” knight his situation was about to change. And that he cross'd the mountain-woods, Discover and learn about the greatest poetry ever straight to your inbox, To create the home of poetry, we fund this through advertising, Please help us help you by disabling your ad blocker. Coleridge has also chosen to imbue this piece with a structured pattern of the meter. With downcast eyes, and modest grace; He is reciting to her his “lay” or a short lyric poem/narrative. And how his madness went away, This poem is in the form of a narrative ballad and is divided into two parts, the first … $4.99. Best Love Poems; Free Poetry; Quotes; Publish your Poems; Home » English Poets » Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Paperback. It is written in an artless, simple and direct manner. View All Available Formats & Editions. She listen'd with a flitting blush,      My own dear Genevieve! His poem “Dejection: An Ode” describes his unrequited love. The poem Love is one of Coleridge's most interesting and beautiful love-poems. At this point, the speaker knows that he must calm her. Now finally the knight is getting the attention of the lady that he always wanted. Had blended with the lights of eve; The repetition of these emotions emphasizes their presence within the speaker but they also say something about his depth of emotion. The first three lines of each stanza are written in iambic tetrameter. There is nothing for her to suffer in the world. Syntax in this poem is very obvious. Love will be the driving force in this narrative. The woman turns out to the be “Lady” the knight loves. A grief without a pang, void, dark, and drear, A stifled, drowsy, unimpassioned grief, Which finds … The Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge by SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE 1787-1833 The lady spends a great deal of time “nurs[ing] him.” Together they stay in a “cave,” likely close to where the almost tragedy occurred. Oft in my waking dreams do I Live o'er again that happy hour, The two embrace and the speaker declares that she became his wife. Coleridge places the poem’s main story within the fame of his speaker’s narration. Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1772-1834. © Academy of American Poets, 75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901, New York, NY 10038.      And feed his sacred flame. A Couplet, Written In A Volume Of Poems Presented By Mr. Coleridge To Dr. A. From this short phrase, the reader is able to assume that the speaker relates this mysterious “Lady” to Genevieve. She runs to him and he enfolds her in his arms. The poem “Love” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge has many different literary devices that make it such a great romantic piece of work. They are both players at a game for which society wrote the rules. If he can make her fear losing love then she will be more amiable to his own advances. The speaker continues to describe this time in his life and the beautiful scene playing out under near the “moonshine,” or moonlight. With downcast eyes and modest grace; Oft in my waking dreams do I.      She fled to me and wept. That autumn the two poets traveled to the Continent together. All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stirs this mortal frame, All are but ministers of Love, And feed his sacred flame. Childhood; Family; Life; Love; Melancholy; Nature; War; 185 Views: Rate it: The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner. Now the reader is within three layers of narrative. She was deeply moved by the “impulses” and emotions the speaker described. In the second stanza, the speaker goes on to refer to himself in the first person. He recalls the “happy hour” in which he was “midway on” his horse and stationed “Beside the ruined tower.” From this line, and those that follow in the third stanza, it is clear the poem has a fantastical element. Wordsworth may have contributed more poems, but the real star of the collection was Coleridge's first version of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. With which I sang another's love, The music and the doleful tale, The night is chilly, but not dark. The statue of the armèd Knight; Genevieve hugs him back, but meekly. Life; Love; Religion This means that each line contains two sets of two beats, or iambs. The login page will open in a new tab. She does not have many “sorrows” of her own. The moonshine, stealing o'er the scene, Submit Spanish Translation. The events have a fairy-tale-like quality to them a fact that supports “Love’s” primary role in the story. Then suddenly, with timorous eye He travels throughout the country but is unable to shake off her image and presence. Genevieve does not appear to be in control of her emotions in the twenty-first stanza. Immortal Love Poems 48. by William Shakespeare, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Bishe Shelley. The impact of this haunting is explained in the next stanza.      Beside the ruin'd tower. And that for ten long years he woo'd And surprisingly, the woman who he saved was “The Lady of the Land!” He acts out of impulse, without a predetermined idea of what he was going to do, and that led him back to the woman he loves. The address is accompanied in equal measure with the “virgin-shame.” She has not known love or lust but wants to. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Live o'er again that happy hour, When midway on the mount I lay, Beside the ruin'd tower. The speaker uses the next stanzas the describe the reaction of Genevieve to the story he told. And how she tended him in vain— Each of these quatrains follows the rhyming pattern of abcb, alternating end sounds as the poet saw fit. When on the yellow forest leaves She stands around the scene and listens to the speaker. She is not all that she used to be. He spends the majority of this piece relaying to the reader how he wooed Genevieve. Her bosom heaved—she stepp'd aside, He sings her a song about the days of chivalry, in which a knight saved a lady from an “outrage worst than death” (whatever that is), is wounded and eventually dies in her arms. Their story has a happy ending that the knight and the lady could only wish for. Close observation, great attention todetail, and precise descriptions of color aptly demonstrate … The last line of the stanzas is different though, it only contains three iambs, meaning that it is written in iambic trimeter. She listen'd with a flitting blush, The extraneous experiences are “ministers” to a great purpose. These events have worked together (in his favor) to bring sorrow out of his intended lover. The poem's composition was originally involved with that of the 'Tale of the Dark Ladie', to which it was to have been an introduction. Read Samuel Taylor Coleridge best poems: Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a great romantic english poet and writer. Samuel Taylor Coleridge (21 October 1772 – 25 July 1834) was an English Romantic poet, literary critic and philosopher. Oft in my waking dreams do I The knight was clearly injured in the fight to free the lady from her attackers and it was this injury as much as the crazed nature of his mind that she was nursing. I fear thy skinny hand! Please log in again. All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stirs this mortal frame, All are but ministers of Love, And feed his sacred flame. It is to “his” benefit that these feelings exist. 'Twas partly love, and partly fear, It is an old and emotionally “moving” one. All thoughts, all passions, all delights. She imagined herself in the same situation and what the loss of the possibility of love would feel like. Although perhaps he shouldn’t be, the speaker still stares at her. To the Will Absolute, the One, the Good! Irony? ‘Love’ by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a twenty-four stanza poem that is separated into sets of four lines, or quatrains. Love by Samuel Taylor Coleridge is one of the greatest love poems that express the pure emotions of love. And ever strove to expiate And gentle wishes long subdued, Here the speaker introduces another main character, his true love. At the heart of Selected Poetry are the Conversation Poems, a unified and beautifully crafted autobiographical sequence written over a period of twelve years. The knight did everything he could and traveled through the woods and over mountains every day and night, desperate for an answer. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. And partly 'twas a bashful art, He is best-known as the author of the famous poems The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan and Christabel. Most of the poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge is lyrical.      A dying man he lay;—. It took time, and the influence of a loving and sorrowful story to bring her to him. My joy!” to describe Genevieve again. I calm'd her fears, and she was calm, And so I won my Genevieve, My bright and beauteous Bride. It has become so emotional, or at least he is playing it off as being so, that his voice falters and his “harp” pauses. Coleridge chose to personify Love (give the force human characteristics) in order to shift one’s perspective on its abilities. That being said, it is likely that her modesty is false as well. The story he tells is contained within ten stanzas and details the love a knight feels for “The Lady of the Land.” She does not reciprocate at first and it drives him mad. Live o'er again that happy hour, When midway on the mount I lay, Beside the ruined tower. She does not dare meet his eye but does not want to miss out on the opportunity to experience love like the characters in the story did. The collection is considered the first great work of the Romantic school of poetry and contains Coleridge's famous poem, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." Please continue to help us support the fight against dementia. He was a key figure in the Romantic Movement of the early Ninenteenth Century. His dying words—but when I reach'd And bending back her head, look'd up, And like the murmur of a dream, He realizes that the vibrantly real nature of his story has moved and “Disturbed” Genevieve. She was just as beautiful as always but now her constant presence wears him down and inspires him. And she forgave me, that I gazed Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store In order to restore Genevieve to how she was before he calms her and tells her of his own love. This would be the only appropriate reaction for a young woman to have. His poems directly and deeply influenced all the major poets of the age. The description of Genevieve continues into the fifth stanza. All are but ministers of Love, His words are “soft” and have a  gentle presence in the “doleful,” or mournful air. Poems by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Ottery St. Mary on 21 October 1772, youngest of the ten children of John Coleridge, a minister, and Ann Bowden Coleridge. She appreciates his talents sufficiently, especially when they “make her grieve.” His words allow her to experience an emotion she is not used to. my Genevieve! All thoughts, all passions, all delights, You should visit the pages below. An undistinguishable throng, The Lady has learned to love him though and is deeply upset by his death. She does not mind and apparently forgives him for it. And saved from outrage worse than death The face of the woman came to him and made him miserable. Poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Paperback $ 4.99. Genevieve is so upset by these new emotions (one must remember that she has no sorrow in her life normally) that she is weeping. Later be described as “guileless,” as if she can do no wrong. Hush all meaner song, Ere we the deep preluding strain have poured To the Great Father, only Rightful King, Eternal Father! Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a leader of the British Romantic movement, was born on October 21, 1772, in Devonshire, England. Like (1) Rate: (1) Poem topics: angel, away, beautiful, death, dream, fear, feel, green, happy, heart, light, music, night, pride, song, dear, voice, head, wild, embrace, Print This Poem , Rhyme Scheme. The I AM, the Word, the Life, the Living God! In 1798, Coleridge and Wordsworth published a joint volume of poetry, Lyrical Ballads, which proved to be the starting point for the English romantic age.      Too fondly on her face! Later Years of Samuel Taylor Coleridge Coleridge had also traveled to Malta and Sicily and worked as the Acting Public Secretary of Malta under Alexander Ball, the Civil Commissioner. Here, she said again to have a “flitting blush” and “downcast eyes.” Her grace is on display once more. my joy! She loved the story but feels pity for those involved. The speaker describes this valiant knight’s resting place as being on the “yellow forest-leaves.” This is a tragic and surprising ending to the story that a reader might not have seen coming. Love. Things like syntax, theme, tone, metaphors, imagery and personification are just a few devices that help make this poem popular. Similarly, the poem “France: an Ode” is a thoughtful meditation on his disappointment with The French Revolution in France. She lean'd against the armèd man, He is retelling the story that is both “hoary” and sorrowful.      I heard her breathe my name. My hope! Although this is everything the speaker used to want, he still holds some of his old, negative opinions towards her.      The rich and balmy eve; And hopes, and fears that kindle hope, At first, she blushed and lowered her eyes, embarrassed but also moved. They cannot step out of their roles as a lady and gentleman. She half enclosed me with her arms, While he was wandering around the country in something of a daze, he threw himself into a “murderous band.” He did not seek to join them but to save their victim from an “outrage worse than death,” meaning rape. Their relationship dynamic is a strange one and his apologetic tone in regards to his advances is a clear put on in order to get closer to her. Love; 197 Views: Rate it: Christabel. Every single person that visits Poem Analysis has helped contribute, so thank you for your support. He was good friends with fellow Romantic Poet, William Wordsworth. Her chest is heaving and she has to step away from the speaker. He leap'd amid a murderous band, It is written in the form of a ballad and describes a story within a story. His poetry has song-like qualities. The thin gray cloud is spread … The poem begins with the speaker describing how love is the most important of the emotions. The deep, the low, the pleading tone Such symphony requires best instrument. And that he knew it was a Fiend, That I might rather feel, than see, It is also the fault of the evening, which is so “rich” and very much worth recognizing. That crazed that bold and lovely Knight, Love by Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Analysis.      This miserable Knight! The speaker tells his listener that the “Lady” did not accept the knight’s advances. The tenth stanza is again dedicated to Genevieve. His fear over the reaction in her mirrors Genevieve’s own fear of losing love. The poem Love is written in the form of a ballad. Live o'er again that happy hour, It has the benefit of being sad and “wild and hoary.” The narrative is somewhat scandalous and is meant to sadden and excite Genevieve in equal measure. And so I won my Genevieve, It is through you visiting Poem Analysis that we are able to contribute to charity. Sign up to unveil the best kept secrets in poetry, brought to you by the experts, Home » Samuel Taylor Coleridge » Love by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Discover the best-kept secrets behind the greatest poetry. Coleridge= speaker (dreamy self/ possibly high) talking about what love should be ; Rhyme? Comprising twenty-four stanzas, this lengthy love poem is everything you need to make you smile and glisten. It was combining with the other lights of the evening and with the light given off by “Genevieve.”. The first of these is unstressed and the second stressed. She appeared from the darkest of places, those which would never be associated with such a person. The speaker in this poem tries to woo a lady called Genevieve by telling her a story about true love. This was not a strictly optimistic turn of events though. The “downcast” nature of her eyes shows her modesty in their contemporary society. by Samuel Coleridge. She press'd me with a meek embrace; The four and fifth stanzas are dedicated to the speaker describing what Genevieve is like and how she reacts to him. What she is not all that she used to be able to stop at... Will be the driving force in this poem tries to woo a Lady and gentleman as if can! Tide turns for the speaker describing what Genevieve is like and how she was before calms... Both “ hoary ” and “ downcast ” nature of his object,. ( in his favor ) to bring her to him the poet saw fit her love scene and listens the. Are “ soft ” and emotions the speaker tells his listener that the speaker and contemplates the she... 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