The Head and the Heart is an American indie folk band. All Rights Reserved. In America today much evangelical religion seems so concerned about religious experience that it tends to neglect the importance of doctrinal truth. The Broken Cistern, and the Springing Well: Or, The Difference Between Head Notions, and Heart Religion. What god desires is here Unfortunately, a “head” knowledge of Jesus Christ—fully knowing and giving mental assent to the plan of salvation…without a “heart” acceptance that brings the personal relationship that the Bible demands—avails nothing to anyone. Namely, first, we must understand the nature of the relationship…. What relational ways can you explain more? Pray for those you love. The ‘Heart’ is only a metaphor. How would you like to fall head over heels in love with a person, and they with you,  and after the wedding night, they say, "you are not the person I thought you were!"? @jader3rd, Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. What’s not logical is not right. For you to believe old time religion you must take it into your mind. So often in our culture we are encouraged to split things apart into false dichotomies: to separate the mind from the body, to value thinking over feeling and light over shadow. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. Much of modern Evangelical Christianity claims to be intellectually rigorous, especially in rejecting emotional revelation such as burning in our hearts that Mormons expect and often experience, and their insistence that God communicates to mankind solely through the written word of the Bible. I also believe it is times like these when He is building my character in Him. "I am the Vine, you are the branches, abide in me and I in you, so shall you bear much fruit." But wait, we have more options. Head Knowledge When we say things like “I know God loves me, but I hate myself” or “I know God wants me to be generous, but I just can’t do it,” we are stating truths about God from our head and using that knowledge, but there is a lack of understanding in our heart. That’s the whole purpose of why God created us – to have an intimate relationship with us. The band is signed to Warner Bros. Records and have released four albums. But for this Post, the “colloquial definition” is false. Throughout his historical survey, Wills points out that American Christianities can be divided into two basic groups: "head" religions, which look towards the rational side of things, and "heart" religion, which focuses on the emotional side of religious experience. Thanks for putting things in perspective for other readers. Secularism is a religion of the heart. The great distinction of Mormonism is our confidence that the living God gives us direct and intelligible answers. Two key passages are given separate treatment: 1Cor 12:12–31a and Col 2:19. It took Jesus several years with Peter. Having used our heads to research and know these things from the Word of God, we then find our heart flowing in love with God as He is. He has complete and absolute authority and the right to judge us as He alone chooses. The band also includes Charity Rose Thielen (violin, guitar, vocals), Chris Zasche (bass), Kenny Hensley (piano), and Tyler Williams (drums). Yes there are times that I feel as if my head is resting on His shoulder like John, and other times when I am all alone and He has left me for whatever reason. In the section titled “Enlightenment Religion,” Wills discusses how Unitarians, Quakers, and Deists emerged in the wake of the Great Awakening of 1740s. Can you lose your salvation? There is a consistency in the creedal description of a divinity without body and without passions. Others have a “hands only” religion which is all works and service. This is evidenced by how uninclined mormons are toward theology, as well as the affirmation that one does not gain a testimony of the gospel through empirical reasoning (the province of the head), but through the feelings of the spirit (definitely the domain of the heart). Many have the custom to have high-quality tefillin and beautiful tefillin bags as a Hiddur Mitzvah. They released their fourth studio album, Living Mirage, on May 17, 2019. In early years? [“All of the above” is not an allowable answer!]. Use of Site Subject to your agreement to our Privacy Policy. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. I don’t try to understand how or why I love Him, I just love Him and I pray that soon I will love Him with all that I am as is expected of me. Learn why you should. How to protect your home and break curses! To order a copy go … In the sense that “Mormonism” can be defined as “everything that is true”, I think it would be pre-Enlightenment unity. ", It may also lead to the final words we hear from our Lord, saying, "depart from me you workers of iniquity (lawlessness) I never knew you," even though many will come in that day saying, "Lord, Lord…. It does not ‘feel’, it does not ‘burn’. In our stubborn refusal to accept a formulation that must ascribe meanings to words which have no correspondence to their ordinary meanings, and thus have no comprehensible semantic content, but only the form thereof, we Mormons refuse to abandon our intellect in our quest for the throne of God. I guess I am emphasizing the heart because that’s the area that needs checking for me. That is to say they are as concerned about the life of faith as they are about doctrinal orthodoxy. The list goes on but you get the idea. There is a positive angle to how the Puritans did religion: The Puritans weren’t Sunday-only Christians; they took their religion seriously. The focus on conversion (of the heart) started with rural Second Great Awakening revivals and continues with present-day Christian festivals in arenas and stadiums. Psalm 51. Joseph Caro (16th century) explains that tefillin are placed on the arm adjacent to the heart and on the head above the brain to demonstrate that these two major organs are willing to perform the service of God. Garry Wills’ Head and Heart: American Christianities (Penguin Press, 2007) reviews these two different approaches and uses them to structure his history of Christianity in America. The Disciples of Christ, the denomination from which Sidney Rigdon and the hundred or so early Kirtland converts came, was firmly in this camp. For the answer on Mormonism, see Elder Bednar’s recently released book Increase in Learning ( The head and the heart. We are not able to feel the emotions of things very much and may even be removed from the actual emotions itself. I understand that. A second alternative to head or heart is political religion as it has emerged in the recent past. Wills concludes: More on that in-need-of-correction pre-Enlightenment religion below. I look at Him and see this glorious, awesome God that loves me so much (and an unconditional love at that) and I cannot but accept Him as He is, my Father, my King and my Saviour. Those answers BOTH enlighten our understanding and reassure our emotions. We now have the foundation to keep the first and great commandment…. Christian Testimonies - True Stories of God at Work. What I’m trying to say here is, if our experience of God only exist in the left brain (analytical based only), then we are not experiencing God in the whole entirety. Learn More ‎. Having used our heads to research and know these things from the Word of God, we then find our heart flowing in love with God as He is. True Stories, Christian Testimonies of Jesus Christ, How to Be Filled with the Holy Spirit and Pray in Tongues, Prayers and Confessions based on the Word, A Simple Way to Share the Gospel! For them, religion, government, and community were all reflections of a unified Christian commonwealth, one which stressed duties more than rights, perhaps, but certainly had a strong sense of identity and mission. God is God and we are His subjects. [points to head]. That is where your cognizance is. Afterall, God made the left brain too for a reason… so we can reason :). Many assume that this distinction has a scriptural basis, and yet many Biblical authors used the word “heart” as a synonym for “mind.” When He chastises me I know there is good reason for it. Thankfully, He is a God of mercy and compassion and forgiveness of sin, or we would have no chance! ", All this is to point out that it is not a question of "Head VS. Heart" as much as it is "How do I coordinate my head and my heart? How would you like to fall head over heels in love with a person, and they with you,  and after the wedding night, they say, "you are not the person I thought you were!"? I write these things because I have seen friends who are "PASSIONATE about God!" I choose to believe it because He said so. This is why we call Him "Lord." The focus that the church seems to have today rests on being guided by personal revelation, listening to the spirit and virtuous emotions – love, peace and joy. See also Disclaimer. Head, Hand, Heart: The Struggle for Dignity and Status in the 21st Century by David Goodhart is published by Penguin (£20). This sin – the first sin – was the sin of pride – wherein “thy heart was lifted up because of thy beauty“ (Eze. Regardless we believe in a natural spiritual universe, that all spirit is matter only more refined. One of the most potent symbols in occultism is the Pentagram. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. I do not question Him when I have gone through hard times, and there has been plenty of that. ← Exploring Mormon Thought: The Homogeneous? So, is Mormonism a religion of the heart, of the head, of pre-Enlightenment unity, or of modern political religion? But, when our right brain is deficient in functioning, then it will affect our judgment about things, and this includes our judgment about God and about the world we live in. The focus now is on family and the spirit, not so much on what sort of kingdoms you might attain by doing xyz. So what happens when we can’t get to the heart issues, we use the left side of our brain more and the right side reduces (the part that makes us creative and gives us emotions). Moral Majority, Christian Coalition, and the Religious Right familiar terms reflecting the politicization of religion in our generation. Head, heart and hands — these three aspects of faith are like a three-legged stool. @Bob, Until the heart is involved in total surrender and all life is on the alter that soul is lost. Psalms, again. Indeed, one of the answers Joseph received is that the purpose of our all too short mortal lives is to learn to unite our preexistent and immortal intelligence with the physical world which we experience through the medium of our physical bodies, including emotions. What I will like to say is this to share Him with others, especially those that love Him, brings me into His very presence. ATTN: RETURN. Head religion alone will guarantee an empty heart. Learn More. Nashville, TN 37204 According to Man, Magic and Myth: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion and the Unknown, "The star with with five points is traditionally a weapon of power in magic. Yes. We then love God, by loving our neighbors, friend and foe alike, as much and more than we love ourselves. The head. Religious involvement in cultural and legal fights over school prayer, abortion, and gay marriage are obvious signs of this political turn. It is head working inseparably from heart; whole body religion.” Let me say that again: “It is not mindless at all. Return Address: Concert Tees. It’s a consequence of the imperfect world we live in. The term is meant to be descriptive, not pejorative. Let's abide in His Word and rejoice in His presence with a pure heart. The ERA fight, Prop 22, Prop 8, and even the Proclamation on the Family highlight the extent to which politics and political issues now define Mormonism. (615) 254-0061. If we knew God truly loved us, we wouldn’t hate ourselves. Use wisdom to know that God requires us to use our head to think through each outcome of each situation and our heart to know what is the right thing to do. Two Other Candidates. "However, the all-important factor has to do with the positioning of the pentagram. There are many reasons why this is so. The great innovation of the Restoration is to reunify heart and head, exemplified by a scripture, the Book of Mormon, which not only declares truth, but also argues truth, from the reasoning of Lehi on free will, to the argument of Nephi for new scripture, to the argument of Alma for an experimental path to faith, to the argument of Mormon against infant baptism. selected by Steve Thorngate November 30, 2011 . This is the “pre-Enlightenment religion” that Wills referred to in the above quotation. During Mass, we make a little cross on our head, lips, and heart, because these outward gestures made with our bodies are pointing to an inward prayer that is happening in our hearts. By P. Andrew Sandlin Published May 1, 2008. Your question drew my mind to a quote from the film “Kingdom of Heaven.” The scene is where the young knight tells a monk that he has “lost his religion.” This is what the monk (Hospitaller) says: Hospitaller: I put no stock in religion. Many of us suffer from intimacy issues but don’t realise it. Deism was popular among the elites of the Revolutionary era, including Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, and most famously Tom Paine. We conform to His image of what a good son or daughter looks like, rather than making Him conform to our image of what a good God looks like. Copyright © 2016 Times & Seasons. We are missing out on the essence of life – to experience relationships to the fullest, with our Creator, with the significant people in our lives and with others. All Rights Reserved. The section titles in one of the chapters tell the story: Methodists, do-it-yourself religion, escaping doctrine. God is our Ruler. If a religion or denomination does not have bits of truth, people could not be deceived. Likewise, in the second place, when we live from our hearts, we experience life in its true colors. Mormonism: A religion of the head or of the heart? Firstly, because when the heart starts beating life begins, and when the heart stops life ends. The Pentagram And Ram's Head. Emotions are felt only in your head or your body. We need to remember that the living God can bring forces that war against one another to pastures of peace. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. He is a God who can … Our heart must be anchored and directed by our head, but not suffocated by it. In an earlier post, I pointed out the logical flow of relationship with God. Sister, I am adding points to your topic, I am not accusing you of having deficiency in these areas, but am putting a context here for others that follow. Thanks for putting things in perspective for other readers. We use our head to read and understand the perameters the Word of God places on the relationship. I am writing this because there may be others out there who are struggling to maintain their passion for God. We read about His likes and dislikes, and we make them our own. so true aye, its a matter that affects a lot of people on great issues on whether to follow the head or the heart.great stuff. So don't be discouraged if it isn't happening overnight for you. Yes, God is a relational God. What God desires is here…(points to head… With no head for God, they left him when the "passion" died, or followed the passion after the enemy redirected it. Hospitaller: I put no stock in religion. Not everyone liked what the Great Awakening stirred up: “Once men recoiled from emotional excess, they looked more carefully at how reason could be used to guide religion into more acceptable paths.” Those paths included questioning the orthodox formulation of the Trinity (hence Unitarians) as well as other tenets of orthodox Calvinism (a turn to Arminian free will doctrines). Having used our heads, and opened our hearts to love God, based upon who He is and what He likes and dislikes, we find our bodies energized in service to the One who is Love. That question is not as straightforward as you might think. Now it’s more about feelings, so now I’d say it’s the heart. It's a difficult thing. The head is where the brain or the mind is. So, dying to self, from head to heart… It is the intellect (head) that understands that one ought not to follow one's understanding, but one's heart. Yes… I am using my head to come to these conclusions. I need also to remind myself to connect with my kids and husband in a relational way, and not removed of emotions. Religious involvement in cultural and legal fights over school prayer, abortion, and gay marriage are obvious signs of this political turn. As religion rolled into the 20th century, the trend away from doctrine became even more pronounced: nondenominational preachers like Dwight Moody and eventually Billy Graham sought nondenominational Christian converts, who increasingly attend nondenominational megachurches preaching do-it-yourself theology like dispensationalism, the health and wealth gospel, and Second Coming dramatics like The Late Great Planet Earth (published in 1970, it has sold over 28 million copies). I think that other Mormons often live a religion that more closely approximates the other categories, though. Copyright (C) 2000-2018 Michael Fackerell. It leads me to a place where it may be said, "this people draws near with their lips, but their heart is far from me! Maybe this is what you are saying here. We dwell more on the theology of God, the rationale, the logic… so the outcome is we think this: What’s not logical is not possible. To me, this quote says it all. Quakers rejected orthodox practice and doctrine in favor of simple benevolence and the inner light of the Spirit (what Mormons would call personal revelation). Mormonism began with Joseph Smith’s quest for answers to the great questions about the meaning of life and the path to happiness and salvation. 2602 Grissom Drive. Psalm 51. Our motivation comes knowing our Father intimately, in a relational way, from our Heart. In our insistemce that we are literally sprung from Him as children, we claim in nascent form all the attributes of the true God, both the intellect that the creeds leave Him, and the passions which are abundantly attested by scripture. D&C 8:2 Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your heart. Then they walk out because they were chasing a fantasy and you weren't it…. It is an effective format that helps the reader follow developments, in contrast to most histories of religion in America which are often overloaded with doctrinal and denominational details that have little interest for most contemporary readers. David said, "against you and you only have I sinned (imagine saying that after you slept with a man's wife and murdered him to cover up) and done this evil in your sight." I don’t find it an ” acceptable usage in this discussion”. Wills' premise is that America has had two main strains of Christianity: Enlightment (head) and evangelical (heart). Over the years (I gave my life to Christ since I was 8), I have accummulated knowledge of God, but the rubber only hit the road when I experience Him with my emotions in 1999. for I am to worship Him with ALL of BOTH and with all my strength as well.". Then they walk out because they were chasing a fantasy and you weren't it…. Christian Bible Confessions and Praying the Word. Yes, Timothy, agree with what you say. In the wake of the Revolution, established denominations like the Episcoplians and Congregationalists lost ground to newer, more enterprising groups like the Methodists and Baptists. Should be ask for deliverence from all the past things we have suffered to be set free from the bondages that hold us to lack of trust or lack of belief? As usual, the correct answer is ‘both,’ or even ‘all of the above.’ The Gospel’s pretty amazing, there’s so much duality to everything! Hi my name is Michael Fackerell, founder of this site. "if you should mark iniquity, who could stand, but with you is forgiveness, that you may be feared." Personalized Scripture prayers, by theme. and yet they wander off following emotions. Three Circles, 23hrs dead: She saw Famous People in Hell: Michael Jackson, Pope John Paul II, & others. We find the definition God places on the relationship. members of the Mormons are just as committed as members of any other religion. The Head. The focus is not so much on knowing the scriptures inside out or being able to give extensive talks on complicated and deep peculiarities of doctrine (much as I love that kind of stuff). Music. Does this make sense? "Head" Religion Versus "Heart" Religion: A Fallacious Antinomy. The proper co-ordination or functioning of both the head and heart is vital in our relationship with God. Works Progress Administration is a loose collective of a supergroup, primarily a collaboration between Glen Phillips and Sean Watkins. This is why we call Him "Lord." ... Those who place religion over the relationship God desires to have with his children. Rationale is good. If I ignore the fact that I love Him because He first loved me, or if I ignore the above facts, it will impact my relationship with God. It is created to help you know Jesus and get a great eternal reward from God Almighty. Let's abide in His Word and rejoice in His presence with a pure heart. If one leg of the stool is too short, the whole thing is off balance. In an earlier post, I pointed out the logical flow of relationship with God. On top of this some religions teach you “not” to listen to your heart based on the Bible verse that “the heart is threaterous”. Theologians and religious figures often draw a distinction between religion of the ‘”head” and religion of the “heart,” but few stop to ask what the terms “head” and “heart” actually denote. "You shall love the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul and all your strength." I think ours is a religion of the head because without the brain that resides in the head there is no heart. And don’t forget Emerson’s description of Mormonism as an “afterclap of Puritanism.”. The Head and Heart of Theology. Join our Cause. Head or heart I don’t know! Head and Heart: Perspectives from Religion and Psychology takes an inter-disciplinary ap­proach, linking the thinking of theologians and philosophers with theory and research in present-day psychology. So we encounter God using more of the left brain than the right. . The focus seemed to be doctrine, doctrine, and more doctrine. What comes from the heart lands on the heart. They reached synthesis at key points in our history, namely to oppose slavery and fight for civil rights for African Americans and other minorities. However, we can’t adopt our own balance and get more insight on the matter and know if we should be listening to our heat or head on any specific matter. It does not appear to be logically possible to experience emotions without a “body”, at the very least a refined material body of spirit, as opposed to an immaterial God that somehow has a “substance” which can be unitarily shared among three distinct “persons”. Justification by Faith: What does it Mean? But it's possible, if you are willing to die to self. It is self-refuting because the counsel that one ought to follow the heart, not the head, is a counsel of the head, not the heart. There is no gloom in heart religion. the brain versus heart controversy as it arose and developed among medical scientists and philosophers. That is the sense which most resonates with me. No wonder the joyful shouts have departed from our churches. Yes… I am using my head to come to these conclusions. Some have a “heart only” religion which is all love and joy and grace. By the word ‘Religion’ I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the ‘Will of God.’ Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. I. MISSSIONS MUST START IN THE HEAD. It refers to the era when learning and education were seen to be fully harmonious with Christianity: before secular learning and secular culture emerged during the Enlightenment, before scholarship subjecting the Bible to critical study had been published, and well before the theory of evolution and modern cosmology provided plausible naturalistic explanations of the cosmos, life, and humans. It is tempting to say it is of the heart because we talk about a change of heart, of the spirit speaking to the heart and mind. If a religion or denomination does not have bits of truth, people could not be deceived. The distance between the head and the heart is 18 inches. If my head is not set and rooted on the reality of who God is and how I am to love him…. Unfortunately though, too many leaders today tend to veer away from saying anything that could … The Heart does nothing but pump blood. Some have a “head only” religion which is all doctrine and theology. Real Calvinists are as concerned about heart religion as they are about head religion. And The Head and the Heart's self-titled debut is the feel-good record of the year. May we now consider how the head, heart and the hand must be working together for there to be MISSIONS. That is where your thinking takes place. I tend to think Mormonism creatively adopts some features of the 17th-century paradigm, such as avoiding engagement with higher criticism of the Bible, generally discounting evolution, and at times practicing a form of mild theocracy. Head and Heart draws on the unique expertise in relating theology and psychology of the University of Cambridge’s Psychology and Religion Research Group (PRRG). Mormonism points out the intellectual dishonesty of claiming you can have a purely intellectual and objective encounter with the Bible, which refuses to deal honestly with the admixture of subjectivity and personal opinion that creates the thousand sects of Christianity. A second alternative to head or heart is political religion as it has emerged in the recent past. In Mormonism, mysteries are questions that invite us to ask for answers, not conundrums whose insolubility is pointed to as evidence of their divinity. ie, "if you love me, keep my commandments," and "why call you me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things that I say?," then my heart may have passion, but it is passionate about a vision and a dream that is not God. The recent issue of a tabloid prominent in American fundamentalist circles contained the following statement, “If you want to write to me and straighten me out intellectually, save your paper and postage. The wisdom to know that which is all works and service and don ’ t hate.. Too many murderers directed by our head, is contradictory on a practical level to follow 's... The wisdom to know that which is all love and joy and grace the importance of truth... So we can reason: ) about religious experience that it tends to the... 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