When our baby turned 3 months old, it was like the witching hour was magically over. … Here are some signs and symptoms of the baby witching hour: Your baby is crying for an extended period of time during the late afternoon to evening hours. The witching hour can be described as a fussy period that almost all babies go through. Cluster feeding is what you can try if your baby becomes fussy in the late afternoon. The witching hour often begins between weeks 2 and 3. Overstimulation is your baby’s enemy. WITCHING HOUR FIXES. Cluster feeding is feeding your baby every two hours and is a common technique to try to get baby sleeping through the night. Crying is normal for all babies. Witching Hour Baby: What Is It And How You Can Help Your Baby? Sounds like the witching hour has arrived. If your baby is overstimulated, they will cry. So, do what you need to do to get through this time and know that this TOO shall pass. I hadn’t even heard of such a thing till I was experiencing it first hand. Studies have shown that when babies are held often and responded to quickly, they cry less overall. You can’t make the witching hour go away, but you can minimalize the difficulty of it on you and your baby.. The Witching Hour baby label (