She returns home to find the perfect dress made for her by Brooke. Haley was born on February 1st, 1988. From that moment, the couple enjoy the rest of their night as a married couple. ("Our Life is Not a Movie or Maybe"). Haley is brought to tears as Nathan threatens the end of their relationship. Marital status: Quinn asked what if Nathan and her were not there to help her, prompting Haley to call Brooke. Although she initially faced some trouble controlling her students they eventually came to respect her, and she connected especially with students such as Quentin Fields and Sam Walker. ("The Games That Play Us"). After talking to Dan and Rachel and Haley missing her payment deadline, Renee then agrees to come onto Dan's television show to reveal her pregnancy to the whole world. After another Raven's match, Haley goes alone with Lucas to Nathan's after party and pretends she doesn't know who Nathan is. As she runs off for an interview, leaving Nathan behind, Chris tells him that all the boys watching her wanted to sleep with her, putting Nathan on edge. In the end however she begins apologizing to her class with Rimkus watching her, but she snaps inside and tells them that she was 100% right to publish Sam's essay and they should always tell the truth and stand up for what's right, and given the look on Rimkus' face, she knows that she was just fired, but continues to tell her students never to give up. Of course, no one can change overnight, and there were some definite rocky … The two end up arguing as Nathan asks if she has feelings for Chris and tells her how much she has hurt him. 0 0. ashlee=] Lv 4. At the draft, Haley warns Peyton that no matter who she chooses in the boy draft, her and Nathan will get back together. Source(s): February 1, 1988 With Lucas organizing a wedding party for them, Haley goes over to see Deb to apologize for the surprise wedding. Relationships The two agree that Haley will not skip class again. Even though Haley promises she loves him and is not leaving, Nathan is still unsure. ("Lifetime Piling Up"), Haley finds out Nathan has been in a car accident and decides to leave the tour for her husband. One Tree Hill Season show reviews & Metacritic score: As graduation approaches, Haley prepares for the recital of her valedictorian speech and motherhood, Nathan … For example, Nathan parks his car in the middle of traffic to follow Haley. She then asks if he kissed her at the fancy dress party and Nathan lies he did. The following day, Haley goes to see Nathan and tells him she has decided to go to Duke, but Nathan says she can't as he has applied for Stanford. However, she finds Karen who asks if she has been taking money out of the cash register. Haley later begins working for a crisis hotline and beings helping an Irish woman named Erin who Haley later meets in person after hearing her perform at an open-mic night at Tric during a Halloween party and she subsequently offers Erin a chance to record an album which she reluctantly accepts. Since starting a relationship and getting married to husband Nathan, Haley and him have stuck together throughout many difficulties including Nathan's money troubles and an alleged affair between Nathan and Renee Richardson. When Haley's birthday comes, it appears no one remembered it. In a school party, that night, the couple announce their love for each other. She often spent days exhausted and was constantly insulted and ignored by Nathan. With James Lafferty, Bethany Joy Lenz, Sophia Bush, Austin Nichols. Tree Hill ist eine Kleinstadt im US-Bundesstaat North Carolina und die Heimat des High-School-Basketball-Teams Tree Hill Ravens. That night, Haley goes to see Lucas and confesses that Brooke is not pregnant, it is her and Lucas promises to be there for her and knows Nathan will too. While trying to help Quinn deal with her issues with David, who turned up out of the blue in Tree Hill, she has her own issues when a reporter Miranda has interview Haley about her music asks about Nathan's scandal, which Miranda catches and sends the reporter away. However, whilst the teenagers are having fun, Dan and Deb have other plans for their marriage. ("Good News for People Who Love Bad News"), The following days, Haley struggles to watch her husband confused with the events of the crash. She asks him to sing for her and when he does she decides to let him buy the song, but only on the condition that she produces it. She is approached by Peyton, who has ignored her since she got back, and is asked for help with Brooke and Lucas. Other information After completing them, Haley finds out that they have failed their test and is upset as it is the first test she has failed. ("Like You Like an Arsonist"), Haley struggles to win Nathan back at the beach party. ("The Heart Brings You Back"), At the station, Haley kisses Chris, but tells him that she is not going with him. ("Let the Reigns Go Loose"), The following day, Haley begins to get nervous about her performance. ("Near Wild Heaven"), Over the following week, living on their own proves the be a task for both Haley and Nathan. When Haley reads Lucas' book and realizes the depth of his feelings for Peyton, she calls him to tell him not to marry Lindsey. Furious, she tells her that she knows what Rachel did and that she caused the crash, and tells her to stay away from her, Nathan and everybody else. Nathan crashed a race car and lives. The best friend of Lucas Scott and future love interest of his half brother Nathan, Haley found herself in the middle of more than a few love triangles during the show. Rachel takes the fall for Brooke because she wants Brooke's fashion designs to be sent to Victoria's Secret. She also is forced to become a cheerleader and begins practicing for her 'Midnight Madness' debut. Haley, Quinn and Taylor fight. She and Nathan take Jamie there and it's not easy since they have recess textbooks and "mathketball" (which worries Nathan). Haley asks for his thoughts as Nathan tells her that he will not lie that everything is going to be okay. As they are hiding, her phone rings from a return call from Nathan. The two end up in an argument and Haley ends up giving Nathan the pills as she will not need them anymore. She tells him that they have not been working out as well as she hoped. Haley applied for a job at the local cafe, owned by Karen Roe. He goes on her laptop and listens to the first part of her duet with Chris. Chris Keller then walks in the club and performs and amazed Haley with his raw talent. Haley performs in Peyton's USO show and battles stage fright, although she eventually goes on singing "Feel This". He tells Haley not to look, but Haley runs round and screams in shock at the sight of her seemingly dead husband. Haley and Jamie watch Nathan play slamball. In an attempt to see if Nathan really cares, Chris decides to have some fun and put his arm around Haley.Nathan gets mad and marches over to begin threatening him. We find out from Haley's class assignment with Skills that if she doesn't pursue a singing career she wants to be a teacher. This plan is shortlived as when they visit Dan and Deb, Deb notices the ring on her son's finger and goes mad. In addition, she and Nathan together, decide to use Lucas, as Jamie's middle name. As she goes to kick her out, Nathan stands in her way telling her to let Taylor stay with her family. In the end, they decide to move to Spain and Haley will take Jamie with her on tour and stop in places along the way that Jamie would enjoy, such as Disney World. As they drive home, Brooke, who fell asleep in the car, wakes up as the other girls listen to music with similar taste. He tells her that the only thing he was thinking when he was fainting was declaring his love to her, and how much he needed her. In the end, Nathan and Haley, with input from Jamie, decide it's best to keep him in his current school. As their fight comes to a close, Lucas notices something on Haley's back and is disgusted to discover find Nathan's jersey number '23' tattooed on her lower back. After finding her best friend has forgiven her, Haley also discovers that Lucas is in the middle of a love triangle, which she is eventually dragged into choosing sides. Haley and Nathan tell Jamie to watch the sports news when Mouth announces the big news and Haley, Nathan and Jamie all take a trip to Charlotte where Nathan plays his first game for the Bobcats. ("Weeks Go By Like Days"). They arrive ready for the competition as Haley catches up with both Karen and Nathan. ("From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea"), 3 months later, Haley goes to see her now pink apartment, the color she does not like, but Nathan painted when annoyed at her. After her involvement with Nathan, she, Brooke and Peyton (Nathan's ex girlfriend) formed a close group and often shared each other's problems, the two girls will eventually become his two best friends, especially Brooke. In another tutoring session, Haley gives Nathan a tutoring kit to use whilst his dad hosts a party. Ready for a game, Haley meets Nathan's team rival Damien West. After this reaction, Haley goes to Nathan's apartment to move her stuff in. Series information She screams for Nathan to watch as they dodge the limo that falls off a bridge and into the water. SEASON 9 FASHION: THE WAIT IS *MOSTLY* OVER posted by Nelly on Monday, March 12, 2012 | 5:02 PM We know that you've all been waiting since the January 11th premiere of the ninth and final season of One Tree Hill for fashion, but we have an explanation for the tardiness. As he sits down to talk about their day. Following her friend's shocking behavior, Haley tries to avoid the subject, but tells Karen. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Tree Hill, North Carolina In "The Show Must Go On" (episode 3.22) . She remembers her first performance to Nathan in the cafe and tells Lucas about all the letters she has sent to Nathan and received no reply. For the Raven's first away game, Nathan persuades her to join them. Heya! He gives her it and tells her never to say he never gave her anything. As he tries to get Haley distracted, he decides he wants to take their relationship further and tries to start having sex with her, but Haley, determined to remain a virgin until marriage, refuses and asks Nathan to leave in disgust. Haley goes to TRIC and makes up with Brooke as Brooke announces she has recorded Haley and Nathan's relationship and that it will be involved in their rehearsal dinner. In the middle of her valedictorian speech for graduation, when she is quoting Julius Caesar, Haley begins to laugh nervously and bend over in pain. Haley's first day of happy marriage does not last long when Nathan learns his father has had a heart attack. ("The Birth and Death of Day"), Haley is a little overemotional due to the fact that she is pregnant so she does not take the video lightly. ("Don't Take Me for Granted"), The Tree Hill High Formal is approaching and Haley persuades Nathan to attend. That night, as Haley prepares to go onstage, Nathan goes to see her and gives her a purple flower, like the one from their wedding. He runs into the car past her and Deb follows him telling her to get in the car with them, which she does. She calls Renee and Renee has decided to demand $250,000, and Haley has until 8:00 to make up her mind, but ultimately decides not to pay her off. Coming home, Haley settles back into her life with Nathan and Jamie. After the birth of her second child Haley decided to reopened Karen's Cafe along with Brooke Davis so their children could have the same experience she had as a child. She undoes the restraints and asks what's going on. Haley says that a baby should mean more than a scholarship, but Nathan refuses to feel guilty and goes to the conference. After she gets out, she fights with Nathan after she slowly starts realizing Renee's accusations may be true and questions Nathan about them. Upset, Haley goes to see Karen and they watch the conference as Nathan announces that he will make a decision with his family as to what they will do with their lives and will be there for both Haley and the baby. Lucas also moved in with Haley's family during their time at college to help look after Jamie. She also fears that her son will not find his place in the world, like she sometimes feels. She takes on the organizing of the 'Open Mic Night' for Karen's Cafe after Karen leaves for Italy which is a massive success with a special appearance from Gavin DeGraw ("You Gotta Go There to Come Back"). After the ceremony, they go to get changed at Nathan's and the two promise to never leave each other after their experiences. Haley and Lucas' friendship was strained when she sees him kissing Peyton. Brooke asks if everything will be okay with the pregnancy as Haley assures her it will be, or at least she hopes so. However, he only makes the situation worse by revealing Carrie kissed him, leading to an argument. Unaware it is a plan to get at Lucas, Nathan and Haley meet up for their first tutoring session where he gives her a bracelet and tells her never to say he never gave her anything, and flattered, Haley is forced to deny her feelings and tell him to focus on math. Haley continued working on her music ready to throw herself back into the limelight. Haley singing on her tour. In the season 6 finale, Haley finds out that Nathan has made it to the NBA. The final straw is when Haley meets awkwardly with Peyton and Nathan. The next morning, Lucas goes to see Haley. Brown Haley Bob Scott (née James) was one of the main female protagonists of "One Tree Hill". He tells her not to worry about their wedding place and the purple flowers she loved as he has one. Alive She eventually gets the courage to go and see him, but admits to Nathan she did not want an argument. Nathan then asks Haley to talk to him. Lucas goes to find him and tells him to stop being a coward and stop mistreating Haley, but Nathan is not willing to change. "One Tree Hill" (episode 9.13) Season 7 begins with Haley in Peyton's recording studio, which she has now taken ownership of, recording a new song called "Quicksand". Later, as Jimmy leaves the room, they hear the gun shots that end both Keith's and Jimmy's lives and break down in tears. We both have a great support system. Her dress sense was also another factor forming Haley into a member of the geek clique, which she was forced to live with, but she continued to keep Lucas as a close friend ever since they met. Occupation: As they get home, Haley begins undressing and the two begin kissing. Although Haley told Nathan and Jamie to "walk away" from difficult situations, she never does. Like her best friend Brooke Davis Baker, Haley was a godmother to two children. After this reaction, Haley goes to Nathan's apartment to move her stuff in. Lydia being so nervous Falls during her routine and is laughed at by the rest of the cheerleaders. After finding out she was failing gym, Haley begins to have consistent nightmares about being under pressure whilst playing basketball. ("How a Resurrection Really Feels"), Haley performs at TRIC ("All Tomorrow's Parties"), The following day, Haley wakes up and finds Nathan is gone. But after finding out Nathan may have HCM, she rushes home and promises never to see him again. He tries to guilt her into letting him buy the song, but to no avail. At the end of the playoffs, Haley is told Lucas is leaving tomorrow and she is devastated they cannot spend the night together as she has plans with Nathan, but is still determined to go through with her night. However, in the studio, her future in music seems questionable. After a string of operations, she was fine and to her and Nathan's delight, they find that the baby has a heartbeat of their son. She tells Nathan that she is tired of being the dependable one and wants to do something for herself and promises him it will not end their relationship if she goes. With their wedding in mind, Haley decides it is a good idea not to have sex before marriage, but finds this very hard to resist Nathan. In an attempt to repair her marriage, Haley takes Nathan to the cafe roof and shows him her prediction, but Nathan does not read it. After she thinks about how to break the news to Peyton, she realizes she can't do it and comes up with a better plan: get Mia's help, who tells Miranda if she closes the label, she will never record again, and Haley won't either, and after Miranda considers the fact that the label might lose their most popular artist, she convinces John Knight, the label owner and Peyton's old boss, to keep the label. Sophia Bush starred as Brooke Davis, a high school cheerleader, party girl, and Peyton's best friend. 1 decade ago. The table then gets to an uneasy situation where alot of secrets are revealed as well as Haley telling Nathan about Royal's visit to the cafe ("The Living Years") ("Crash Course in Polite Conversation"). After a disappointing day with his parents, Nathan confides in Haley telling her about how he does not want to be a part of his family anymore, something that Haley thinks she can help him change and they decide he will petition for emancipation. Of the three James sisters to appear in the series, Haley was the youngest, Quinn was the second and Taylor was the oldest. While we do not see Haley's initial reaction to Nathan's news, it seems as though she trusts her husband and that Renee, the woman claiming to be pregnant with Nathan's child, could be telling the truth. Haley tells him she has to record but will not be too late. During that time, Nathan steals Haley's ring as he wants to propose again to her, but Haley finds it with Lucas. Haley James Scott Directed by Bethany Joy Lenz. Instead of going to see Lucas, she begins keeping herself busy due to her feeling too guilty to go and see him due to their argument the night of the accident. ("First Day on a Brand New Planet"), Haley meets Lucas on the roof of Karen's Cafe to make their yearly predictions. Gender: After their limousine is taken by Rachel, Haley and Nathan are forced to leave in a car, but this does not stop their happiness as they head off for a honeymoon in London, where it always rains. They drive off with the purple flowers from their original wedding as Haley gives Nathan the bracelet and tells him to never say she never gave him anything. She then goes to Brooke's apartment and tells Brooke that she is going to move out and live with Nathan again. She has to keep a positive attitude because Jamie begins to believe his father isn't ever going to come home. ("Some You Give Away"), As Nathan continues to recover from his experience, their marriage hits a new trouble, financial difficulties, but Nathan assures Haley he can sort it out after the basketball season is over. Bitter Truth '' ) comes at Haley 's children are named after her husband struggling to with! Dan walks in and mocks her whilst comparing her to recover from it in. Peyton tells her that he is okay and that they are n't much help routine and is forced to Haley. Behind '' ), Haley stares at Nathan believes him, which is she! Is traveling due to Nathan that they are going to come home the quickly! The death of his motorbike, something Haley is relieved when Quinn awakens and recovers rather.... I know You 're Gon na need someone on your side '' ) ``! Following These events, Haley refuses to mention to Nathan that they will never talk again make out at that. 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